
Step Out and into the 'MAGIC'!!!

Many years ago, while attending a ‘Motivational Workshop’, one of the facilitators made the following statement that sparked a ‘fire in my belly’ like I had never experienced previously!! What was the statement? He said, “Right now all of you are living exactly the life you want, because if you weren’t you would be shaking things up to have the life you do truly want.” I walked out of the workshop fired up! I spent the next 24 hours designing and creating a ‘Vision Board’. I then declared to the Universe that no matter what happens in my life I will climb the mountain and ‘Actualize’ my vision.

Immediately after declaring this, I was tested again and again and again… I had no idea I would be challenged in a way that would have me step WAY OUT of my ‘Comfort Zone’.  At times I would scream at the “Universe, “This is completely unreasonable and uncomfortable… stop it now”. Well that never worked 😊.

I quickly realized that to dramatically shift my life as I climbed that mountain my life would need to be unreasonable, uncommon, and uncomfortable so that I would be moved to take action, or the next step required! When I acted and kept on moving, I discovered a huge sense of magic in my life, as if I were being supported by something greater than me. It was truly inspiring.

Overall, how did I make it to the ‘Mountain Top’… I focused on these seven things:

1.       Risk… no matter what I took the leap as the reward was knowledge. In the beginning it was excruciating as I felt at times that the world was against me and nothing seemed to be working. My judgement and ability to make things up was on high alert!

2.       Stay Curious… this is so important as it can keep you above water and off your knees so to speak.

3.       Be Open… the world around you will constantly give you feedback… my advice “Listen and Accept it.” Continue to act and move on.

4.       Be Accountable… what ever the experience, emotion, feeling, result, circumstance…. know that you created it from the depths of your thinking… you did not do it on purpose, however all the mental models and assumptions you have about your life and the world created the outcome. Own it!!!

5.       Accept What is, IS… be willing to Accept what IS really happening, do not make it wrong or resist it. If you resist, then it will persist, and you will ultimately end up getting revenge on yourself.  

6.       Have Courage… to own your results. Have a constructive and objective relationship with the results you create, be willing to give yourself feedback and most of all have the courage to keep on keeping on without expectation… step out of your comfort zone (it may be scary in the beginning and you may want to just throw it all away… stay with it, you will not be sorry)

7.       Beginners Mind… this is the most satisfying place to be as there are no expectations or preconceived notions here… you are completely open to what is next… Curious about all that is happening around you and ready to learn and master it all…

In summary, the only way to reach the top of the mountain is  through “Complete Self-Actualization” “Mastery” AND more importantly it is when any ‘Comfort Zone” becomes COMFORTABLE!!! So, go for the Magic as it is waiting for you… that life you have always stated or dreamed that you want to experience… go for it NOW… allow it to be uncomfortable and unreasonable for a while as I guarantee you the reward is worth it!!!

My book is available now  "It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM"

Virginia Smith