
Exclusive Sneak Peak - My Book Introduction - Sept. 2018

I have been remiss in providing you with the latest update on my book release. The feedback from my editor has been so fantastic.. it has given me a new lease on how to organize my book in the most effective way for the Reader.

I write like I talk… that said I have decided to restructure how I approach each topic and chapter. As a result of this restructure, my book will not be ready to publish until the first quarter of 2019.

Rather than have you wait until next year, I wanted to give you a taste of “It was ME all along, the PATH to FREEDOM”… here is the introduction…. Enjoy

Look forward to hearing from you


I watch and listen to all that is going on in our world today; I am very present to the fact that even more than any other time “Accountability” is so critical to the human experience.

For me “Accountability” is all about the courage to accept “what is” and be accountable for results. Personally “Accountability” is about the notion that all things have been 'Set Up', they are in motion. They were set in motion from how an individual thinks, their positions and viewpoints, their actions, the assumptions they make, their expectations, their intentions and most importantly their choices. Being “Accountable” in this moment is accepting the choice or choices (and their consequences) that have manifested along the way… to arrive at this point.

Being “Accountable” for results means that even though the result may be repulsive or may create a level of guilt to face the result head on…. Taking ownership or being accountable has you standing in 100% Acceptance, a place of freedom, to accept something you may not totally agree with. The key is that you accepted that it happened… that’s freedom! 

As Figure 1.0 below depicts when one is confronted with a circumstance/result there is always a choice about how to perceive it: via the path of Acceptance or Resistance. Acceptance takes one along the path of action, true accountability, mastery and freedom. Resistance takes one deep into the cycle of resist-resent-revenge and/or deny-defend-deflect... the place where the victim can have an individual caught in an endless cycle of self-hate. 

Figure 1.0

When I was 16 years old my mother took me on a tour of her University, specifically the college in which she studied for her Bachelor of Arts. Above the door was the very popular saying… “The Truth Shall set you Free”. Accountability takes you one step further… it has you accept the truth.

My journey on this earth has had many incredible learning/growing opportunities.. I have had amazing (breakdowns and breakthroughs) relationships with my parents, two wonderful children, four grandchildren, many friends and relationships. I have traveled the world (23 countries). It was not until I was in India (2002-2003) that I experienced mastery and self-actualization that I ‘real “I” zed’ true accountability.

Since then I have cleaned up my life. I had the opportunity to assist my mother in caring for my father through the hospice process. During that time my father and I chose to complete and scrub our space of a lot of the things we did and said over the years. Thirteen years later I had the opportunity to do the same with my mother. They were incredible human beings who through their example taught me how to be a good human being…. Taking “Accountability” taught me how to be a good soul/spirit.

In my book, “The Dolphin Lady, the Story of a Unique Relationship” I wrote about how the dolphins sensed that I was searching for something that had always been available to me… the opportunity to be my own best friend. To understand all of myself… to “Know Thyself”!

According to the Greek writer Pausanias[1] “Know thyself’ is scribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. Today, the idea of knowing thyself is synonymous with Emotional Intelligence/Self Awareness. From my perspective, to have a high level of emotional intelligence is to practice all aspects while having an unwavering knowledge of self.

All of the things that have happened in my life, no mater the issue, circumstance or situation, had me realize that “It was ME all along” … it was my thinking, my expectations, my mental models, my beliefs that created the result in each and every moment of my life.

In this book I will share with you how I rose above it all to have the courage to accept the ‘what is’ of everything and be accountable for results. The freedom has been absolutely amazing… I am truly grateful!

[1] Greek writer Pausanias (10.24.1) Delphi is located in upper central Greece, on multiple plateaux along the slope of Mount Parnassus, and includes the Sanctuary of Apollo, the site of the ancient Oracle. “Know thyself” is one of the Delphic maxims inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

Virginia Smith