
Newsletter Volume Two: March 2018 by Virginia 'Joy' Smith

Hello to everyone… I wanted to give you the latest update on my book!!  It looks like we are still on track for an early June 2018 publishing date. Currently my manuscript is with a book editor who is reviewing, copy editing and providing feedback. Exciting as I am a great cheerleader of feedback!!!

For this month’s newsletter I wanted to speak to a key element of my book… the notion of “Choice”……

“Years ago I read a study written by Roger Wolcott Sperry. He was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1981 for his work in science; he pioneered ideas about the functional specialization of the cerebral hemispheres in what came to be known as “left brain” and “right brain.”  What struck me about his study was his conclusion that the composite of self (the core of our being) was developed and defined in the 10th year, age 9 going on 10… Wow!!!

Sperry also offered that the key part of the self which had the most significant impact on the ‘composite of self’ was the “left brain”. The “left brain” tends to be very black and white, analytical, thinker, etc. For me, reading this study was in many ways a wakeup call. In many ways I found it hard to believe that my “left brain” decided who I was going to be in the world (my ego self). I have never been one to use my analytical mind… I rather listen to my inner wisdom, natural inherent feelings and intuition which are aspects of the “right brain”.

At the time of this discovery I was drawn to look back over the years of my life specifically ages 11 to 18. I was struck by how challenging my life journey was during those years. Maybe I was fighting against that composite of self (my ego)… all I know is it was a very difficult period of my life. I definitely was not accountable and found myself blaming the military childhood I had lived through, i.e. moving from place to place every two years, no real friends, etc. In fact to avoid facing what was there for me to learn and understand, I chose to get married very young (which meant I could leave home) and had my first child at 18. 

Moving forward to the present with continued reflection, I recall something that I have known for a long time…“People don’t change at their core”. At this level we are who we are… however, within the realm of our intrinsic ability (inherent ability) there is always an opportunity to shift the way we view the world, others and self. So even though the core foundation (composite) of who I am may not change… I can still “choose” in each present to shift my thoughts, assumptions, fear, risk, failure, being misunderstood, anxiety and most importantly ownership and accountability. Will I choose from 100% accountability… accepting what is, is ...OR choosing from resistance and victim… the what is, isn’t

When an individual can stand in each moment and accept everything no matter the circumstance … that is true mastery!! From my stand point this is the grandest way possible to use the gift of “Free Will”.

I am open to your comments and questions… Let me know what topics you would like me to share in my next newsletters… I want to ensure it is insightful and inspiring for you.

Looking forward to hearing from you



Virginia Smith