Do you truly 'Know Yourself' on Every Level?
According to the Greek writer Pausanias, ‘Know Thyself’ is scribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi. [“Greek writer Pausanias (10.24.1), Delphi is in upper central Greece, on multiple plateaus along the slope of Mount Parnassus, and includes the Sanctuary of Apollo, the site of the ancient Oracle. “Know thyself” is one of the Delphic maxims inscribed in the pronaos (forecourt) of the Temple of Apollo at Delphi.”]
Today, the idea or notion of ‘Knowing Thyself’ is synonymous with Emotional Intelligence. The goal would be to have a high degree of Emotional Intelligence, especially as it relates to your own self-awareness and self-management, while also having a deep unwavering knowledge of who you are.
We are remarkable and amazing human beings just as we are, composed of mind, body, and soul. Inherently, as individuals, we have a purpose, the reason for us being on this earth. This is personal and resides deep within our soul/spirit (higher self, or in Jungian terms, the "Objective Psyche"). This higher self is where our greatest wisdom resides. Our purpose or calling is our destiny. If we had connected with it at an early age, our path through life would no doubt have been smoother, however that is not how we learn.
Right or wrong we tend to learn through the breakdowns in our lives (Defined here as circumstances we create to empower us to choose acceptance rather than resistance). The understanding is that the breakdown will have us eventually arrive at a ‘Breakthrough’. If an individual resists the circumstances occurring in their lives, the whirl of the circumstances will increase or repeat (liken to the battle of self) until the breakthrough has occurred. Have you heard of the term “Getting in your own way”? Ultimately, it is our higher self (inner wisdom) that is the key to guide us. When we get in our own way we prevent ourselves from listening to it.
How do we connect on a deep level with our highest wisdom? I think author Eckhart Tolle sums it up the best… “Our "purpose" is not what the EGO longs to discover or recognize, but something of a higher nature. Simply put is for us to be quiet and still, watch what shows up in your life, and commit to it.” It takes great wisdom and centeredness to access this listening/insight and connect to one's inner wisdom and intuition. Easier said than done, right???
Let me use the analogy of an “iceberg”, (refer to image) with only 10% of its mass above water—the part you can see. The remaining 90% lurks below the waterline. When the EGO dominates our thinking, doing, and being, the remaining 90% of the self (including our higher self/inner wisdom) is hidden in unknown territory. The ability to respond effectively to circumstances (or breakdowns) is compromised as the EGO keeps the rest of us (the 90%) at bay. The result is that we end up resisting the opportunity to connect with our inner wisdom (objective psyche) where our intuition resides and can guide us to reach the ultimate ‘Breakthrough’. Reluctantly this can lead us down the path of victimhood unable to access the insights from our highest wisdom. The battle going on within blocks our curiosity and shuts down the “Beginner’s Mind” (our openness to all things).
When we only listen to the 10% of ourselves, which ends up mostly comprised of our EGO, we set ourselves on a path to find endless evidence that the thoughts about ourselves and others are Right, i.e., what we make up including the assumptions about world around us! Whether it is… “I will never get that promotion because my boss doesn’t like me.” or “I do not have all of the degrees that the other applicants have so I will never find work”. or “Other people don’t truly know me, so they ignore me when I have something important to say.” If we were just willing to stop the madness and step fully into a moment of inner peace with ourselves, we can discover the truth about all that we are and what is going on, We’d be empowered to handle whatever it is and take action.
In my early life I put myself through long-drawn-out breakdowns on several occasions. During these times I felt lost and alone as the circumstances I created through my thinking/mental models were continually being played out right before me. I do know without a doubt that “what I resist, persists”. I resisted for many years until I finally had my huge breakthrough and realized “It was ME all Along” who created this endless breakdown. I then committed to a path of deep self-discovery and began to explore other parts of myself and learned to listen to my inner wisdom (intuition).
Throughout the process of self-discovery, I found out that there was a Beautiful, Open-hearted, Authentic Leader deep within me. When I started listening to this leader my life became filled with acceptance, instant breakthroughs, integrity, and the most beautiful journey that has guided me to live a life I am deeply grateful for.
I will tell you from direct experience that until an individual connects with all that has been hidden within, the beautiful soul/spirit you are, life will continue to be a series of constant breakdowns… of never really knowing or discovering who you are on any level. I do not know about you, that sounds lonely to me!
Choose to start your journey of deep self-discovery right now, in this moment… step into the silence and be with yourself in a way that will have you meet the most wonderful parts of who you are!! ENJOY
My book is available now on Amazon “It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM”