
The Beginner's Mind - Page 58

What if in this moment there was only peace of mind; a heart and mind that was curious and entirely open; an uncluttered mind free of the past, misconceptions and preconceptions… a mind and heart solely focused on this moment in time. Imagine the innovations, ideas, and most of all the FREEDOM that will be available to you…

This is the place of “The Beginner’s Mind”. Throughout his life Steve Jobs searched and traveled the world to find a guru who could assist him to trust his intuition and curiosity over analysis and preconceptions. ‘Analysis paralysis’ and preconceptions can accumulate over time and eventually build into a tiny screen/filter that limits your ability to see clearly and invites the EGO/Collective Thought to take over.

Steve Jobs practiced ‘Buddhism’, the practice of mindfulness. There are three key elements to this practice: 1) Paying attention on purpose, 2) Living in the Present Moment and 3) Paying Attention without Passing Judgment… 

On page 58 of my book “It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM” I discuss the “Beginner’s Mind” and how to effectively practice mindfulness. My book is available NOW

Virginia Smith