The Battle of the SELF - Page 79
"The Battle of the SELF" - This battle is when the self is caught in the middle between its EGO side and its Reality (higher self) side, as each are vying for control. This inner battle can be completely unconscious to the Self especially if the individual is only listening to their EGO side. It can take hardship (adversity) before an individual wakes up.
Great metaphors that depict the "Battle of the Self" - 1) In "Star Wars", Luke Skywalker finds himself in the battle. It is YODA, representing his higher-self, who pushes Luke to realize the battle is inside of him. 2) In ET Henry, a middle child, his battle was a tough one as all he wanted was to feel like he belonged. ET, representing his higher-self, gently nudged Henry to realize that he belonged and had everything he needed within him.
Sometimes it is a movie or a story that gives us the insight and/or nudge we need. And maybe this time it is a virus known as Covid-19 that is shacking us up. So be open to discovering your inner YOGA or ET ... LISTEN. - On page 79 of my book "It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM" I discuss "The Battle of the Self"... My book is available on Amazon in Paperback, Kindle and Audible, BUY IT NOW....