Message from the Dolphins and Whales - Insights from our recent adventures
I recently returned home after spending over a month in Hawaii. While there I had the privilege and wondrous opportunity to swim with my dear dolphin and whale friends.
If you have not read my book, “The Dolphin Lady, the Story of a Unique Relationship” it is available in Paperback, Kindle or Audible. In my book I share the many amazing adventures I have experienced and enjoyed over the last 35 years with my dolphin and humpback friends. They truly are the most intelligent mammals on this planet. I have learned so much from them over the years so when I am in the presence of these beings -Dolphins (they represent Mana or breath) and Whales (they are the record keepers of the planet)- I choose to listen deeply to their insights and messages.
During this trip I was struck by the frequency in which the whales appeared during my early morning swims with the dolphins. It had been my experience in previous years to meet up with the whales later in the day. This was unusual; however, I knew it was important for me to be present on all levels and listen to their sounds and insights.
It was during our initial swims that I heard the words “Rebirth” and “Transformation”. I then heard the words “Live your Life”. I took these insights to mean that it was time for humankind to transform their lives in a way that will allow them to fully live, be and experience life to the fullest no matter what is going on around them.
On the other side of the spectrum I was also quickly becoming aware of a level of panic and fear rising regarding the Coronavirus. I could feel the rise of FEAR out in the world.
Throughout my life I have learned that FEAR is simply “False Energy Appearing Real”, so whenever I sensed FEAR grabbing hold of me, I knew I was listening to ‘Collective Thought’ or my EGO (whirl of the outside world). The opportunity before me was to shift, to listen to my “Objective Psyche” or my higher self, to my inner wisdom (self-aware) as it would guide me to the facts and information I required. (Note: you can read more about these topics in my new book “It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM”).
In my January Blog Post I wrote about 2020 being a Master Year, it is time for all of us to be the masters of our destiny. Eckhart Tolle said that to discover our purpose requires that we be still and wait to see what shows up. FEAR can have us running amuck in many different directions blinded by our EGO not seeing or observing what is showing up to support us.
These recent messages from the whales and dolphins was very timely as Astrologically 2020 began with Saturn (represents responsibility and can show up as withholding and resistance to change) and Pluto (in charge of things that need to happen to a point of no return so the only solution is to let go) joined in a conjunction. This rings true as it relates to our current timeline and the panic and overwhelming control media misinformation and misrepresentation has had on igniting panic and fear ultimately creating a roadblock of resistance to calm and understanding the facts…. This form of “Collective Thought” has brought us to the brink of anxiety, to a place where the facts are not getting through to those who it can be greatly beneficial.
Adversity is one of the greatest opportunities and gifts that presents itself in our lives for the sole purpose of calling on us to shift, grow, transform and rise above it. This call is ultimately to our self-aware self, the place where our intuition and inner wisdom has the insights into resolutions.
There is a solution… “Let Go” “Let Go” “Let Go” and “Surrender” as it will all pass. Be smart, be healthy, be yourself, live your life, love yourself and your neighbor.
There is a beautiful light at the end of the tunnel (a Rainbow) … 2020 ends with Jupiter (the Great Benefic) and Saturn joining in a conjunction. My sense is that if you surrender to the timely events that need to happen in our world order to support the needed transformation and live your life free of resistance and regret… then the ‘Great Benefic’ will drop a bit of gold dust in your lap…
Thank you to my dear friends, you are wise beyond any words. I am listening and living my life to the absolute fullest while being diligent and resourceful regarding my health and happiness… I ask you to stand with me.
Love and Light