Transitioning from 2020 to 2021
In numerology 2020 (22) was a ‘Master’ year. A call for us to dive deep into the insights as to ‘how we navigate through and master our journey’. As it turned out our inner ‘Master’ was tested through adversity, obstacles, and deep challenges.
Throughout 2020 there were also many gifts presented to us. One of many was the opportunity to “Know the Self” and be open to the enlightenment and possibilities of your potential. It begs the question did you get caught in “Collective Thought”, i.e., what everyone else, the media, etc. thinks? This is where the EGO thrives, enjoying the never-ending spin. OR Did you delve into your “Objective Psyche” your ‘Self-aware Self’ where your intuition and inner wisdom reside?
2021 (5) will be a year of ‘Change’, are you ready to bring your ‘Master Self’ to the game? Are you ready to be true to yourself? To allow your individual spark to continue to be ‘Curious’ and ‘Free’ to explore and thrive in an abundance of ‘Courage’ to accept “What is, is”. In my book “It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM” there are several mechanisms to support you on this journey. It is available now on Amazon