What is your Level of Respond-Ability?
A crucial element of leadership is an individual's "Respond-ability"- self-regulation (an element of Emotional Intelligence). As circumstances show up in your life, you will make choices about how to respond. Using the image below, starting from left to right, let's say your goal is to be the best leader you can be [Intention].
During a performance review you receive overwhelming feedback that your leadership skills are below par [Circumstance]. As you listen to the feedback, your feelings and emotions rise to the surface [You now have a Choice]. Do you Accept "What is, is"; i.e., you just received feedback that disputes your intention/goal? In Acceptance you know there is an option... 'you may not agree with the feedback'. However, holding your intention as your priority you accept the feedback, recommit and make a shift.
OR... do you slide down into the depths of Resistance, "What is, isn't," ignoring the feedback you just received? With this perspective, you don't hear the feedback from the position of self-discovery, being the best manager/leader you can be [your intention]. This choice leads to Victimhood, deny-defend-deflect, and resist-resent-revenge [on you]. What you resist persists! [This topic is covered in my ‘Introduction’ of my book ‘It was ME all Along, the Path to FREEDOM”].